Mike founded Lauterbach Legal in 2014. In his fourteen years in private practice, he has helped hundreds of families with estate planning, settling estates, and related matters. His practice currently focuses on creating estate plans for business owners, families that include beneficiaries with special needs, families focused on charitable giving, and high net worth individuals and couples. He also assists with the firm’s estate and trust settlement work.

Mike is a graduate of St. Cloud (Minnesota) State University and the University of Wisconsin Law School. He has practiced in central Wisconsin since 2006. He also currently serves on the boards of the Community Foundation of Central Wisconsin and Green Circle Trail, and is a frequent speaker to local community and business groups.

When not at work, Mike enjoys spending time with his wife Jessica and two children. He also enjoys outdoor sports, and is an eager (although not always fast) participant in a variety of silent sports races. His favorite past events include a tour of the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route, three MR340s, two Yukon River Quests, four Kickapoo Dam Challenges, and more than a baker’s dozen American Birkebeiners. 


All of our work starts with a free no-obligation consultation. Call us today to schedule.